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Industry Leaders that Trust Stratus

Empowering 1500+ sites worldwide

Industry Leaders

AI Powered Insights for Every Stage

Mine to Mill

Why Stratus

AI led approach to advance your site operations

  • All in One Reality Modelling

    1st platform to seamlessly process 3D data from variety of visual sensing, field sensors and geospatial data. Fully automated suite of tools to generate accurate digital twins in minutes . AI powered insights transform your jobsite.

  • Intelligent Optimizations

    Our machine learning models train on millions of images and data points to help save cost, increase safety, add profitability, and more. Site calibrated learning to adjust models with new data in real time.

  • Fastest-Improving Platform

    We release hundreds of features and improvements each year to help you stay ahead of industry shifts. Stratus eliminates the data silos to unlock new benefits for your site and unifies your teams to collaborate across the entire mine to mill value chain.

  • Industry Leading Security

    Stratus is certified to the highest data security standards. Your Data, in Your Account - Your data is private and stored on the world’s most trusted servers.


Accurate Digital Twins

Solve Complex Problems with AI enabled Photogrammetry and 3D analytics tools

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Sub surface intelligence

A complete toolbox of AI powered solutions empowering drill and blast optimization

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Fragmentation & Ore size analysis

Enter your data and see predicted outcomes for activities, adjust parameters to get desired results instantly

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Featured In Industry Leading Publications

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