/ Quarry

General Drilling and Maine Drilling & Blasting transforms their operations with Stratus

The article details the experiences of the two companies have had working with Stratus, the problems they were facing, why they decided to work with Stratus, and how Stratus has improved their work flows. Pit & Quarry publications interviewed Gus Diehr of General Drilling and Pete Bennett of Maine Drill and Blasting.

General Drilling
General Drilling has always been at the forefront of innovation and adapting new technology” and that the software he had been using didn’t provide all the features he needed. That the features weren’t in high enough demand to bother developing. He recounts that it was Stratus that stepped up to design the features he was looking for.
Today Gus uses drones to take pictures of the site and Stratus to design his drilling activity. After drilling Gus again uses the drone to take pictures and uses Stratus to compare the planned drill with the actual drill, then to make any necessary adjustments before blasting. After he uses Stratus to analyze the results of the blast, the fragmentation, how the holes affected each other, and the recorded data to repeat the blast or modify it for the future. This saves both the quarry and the driller time and money. Gus further tells Loretta about a time he used the Strays software to detect a 1.5-2in thick geological seam for a quarry that couldn’t be seen in the formation’s face.

Maine Drill & Blasting
Stratus was recommended to Maine Drilling and Blasting by a joint partner of theirs. Stratus worked with us to develop features a drilling/blasting contractor would want. Pete Bennett feels that the cost savings of using a drone with the Stratus software was preferable to the more expensive and time-consuming laser scanning. He further appreciates how responsive Stratus is to its customers, constantly innovating new features and working with its customer’s to develop the features they need. For Pete, one of those features was hole deviation measurement. He says aggregate producers can use Stratus to better plan for the future of their quarry.

This article was first published in Pit & Quarry magazine.


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