1. Acknowledgement and Agreement

Stratus is committed to ensuring the privacy of your commercial and personal information to the highest degree.

This Privacy Policy (Policy) explains how your personal information is collected, used, and disclosed by AirZaar, Inc., a Delaware Corporation doing business as Stratus, and its subsidiaries and affiliated companies (Stratus,us, or we). This Policy applies to information collected from Stratus customers and potential customers (you) from the websites of Stratus, including Stratus.com, Stratus mobile and web-based applications, other online services (collectively, Sites) and our SaaS application integration platform, tools, mobile applications and related services (together with the Sites, the Service).

i. Other Agreements

This Policy does not apply to data Stratus collects and processes for Stratus customers, whether through the Sites or otherwise pursuant to a services agreement with Stratus. This Policy is expressly incorporated into Stratus’ Terms and Conditions, the provisions of which are also incorporated herein.

ii. Third Party Sites

This Policy does not apply to websites, applications, or services that display or link to different privacy statements.

iii. Changes to our privacy policy

If Stratus decides to make material changes to this Privacy Policy, we will notify you and other users of such changes by placing a notice on our software application platforms and websites and/or by sending a notice to your e-mail address on file with us. In addition, you should periodically check at www.Stratus.com and this privacy page for changes. Your continued use of our Service after such changes will be subject to the then-current policy.

iv. Your Acceptance of this Privacy Policy

When you subscribe to, access and use the Sites, we collect, store, use, analyze, reformat, display and share information from and about you as described in this Privacy Policy. By accepting the terms of this Privacy Policy as well as our Terms of Service you consent to our collection, storage, use, analysis, reformatting, display and disclosure of your information as described herein.

By using our Service, you consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information in accordance with this Policy.

2. How to collect your Information

When you use the Sites, Stratus may collect commercial and personal information about you in any one or more of the following ways:

i. Account Profiles

When you subscribe to, access and use the Sites, we will collect and store information about you that you provide in your account profile. Please see section 3 below for more details about this information.

ii. Communications with Other Users

When you access and use the Sites, we may collect and store information about your communications and interactions with other users of the Sites. The bulk of this information is collected and stored through the use of Log Files.

iii. Cookies, Standard Server Logs, Geo-Location Tools and Automated Information Collection

We and service providers acting on our behalf may use Log Files and tracking technologies to collect and analyze certain types of technical information, including but not limited to flash and browser cookies, MAC or IP addresses, device type, device identifiers, browser types or language, referring and exit pages, URLs, platform type, the number of clicks, domain names, landing pages, pages viewed and the order of those pages, the amount of time spent on particular pages, the date and time of activity on our websites, and other similar information. When you access the Sites, we may collect this technical information in order to (i) analyze the usage of our software application platforms and websites; (ii) identify modifications or updates to our software application platforms and websites that could enable a more personalized experience; and (iii) manage advertising. In some cases, we will associate this technical information with your account profile number for our internal use.

iv. Other Technologies

Including, but not limited to: (a) web beacons, which allow us to know if a certain page was visited or whether an e-mail was opened, and also allow us to deliver cookies and understand usage of the Sites; (b) tracking pixels, which allow us to advertise more efficiently by excluding our current users from certain promotional messages, identifying the source of a new installation or delivering ads to you on other websites; and (c) flash cookies, which are local shared objects and help us prevent fraud, remember your preferences on the Sites and reduce load times. You can set your web browser to warn you about attempts to place cookies on your computer or limit the type of cookies you allow. Flash cookies operate differently than browser cookies and cookie management tools available in a web browser may not remove flash cookies. If you disable flash or browser cookies, you may lose some of the features and functionality of the Sites.

3. Information That We Collect From You

When you use the Sites, Stratus may collect the following types of commercial and personal information about you:

i. Account Information

Some parts of the Sites or Service require you to create an account. To create an account, you will be required to provide identifying information, including personal information.

ii. Personal Information

As used in this Policy, is information that specifically identifies an individual, such as an individual name, address, telephone number, or e-mail address. Personal Information also includes information about an individual’s activities, such as information about his or her activity on our Sites or Service, and demographic information, such as date of birth, gender, geographic area, and preferences, when any of this information is linked to Personal Information that identifies that individual. We may indicate that some personal information is required for you to register for the account or to create the profile, while some is optional.

iii. Aggregate Information

Personal Information does not include aggregate or other non-personally identifiable information. Aggregate information is information that we collect about a group or category of products, Service, or users that is not personally identifiable or from which individual identities are removed. We may use and disclose aggregate information, and other non- personally identifiable information, for various purposes.

iv. Public Information

Some of the information provided in your account profile may be available to the public and other users of the Sites; such information will be limited to the information that is considered “public” in nature or necessary to identify you. Search engines may index this publicly available information. During the account registration process, we may offer functionality that allows you to opt-out of the public availability and indexing of your account profile information.

v. Payment Information

If you make or receive any payments through the Sites, we will collect and share with our third party payment processor the billing and financial information necessary to process your sent and received payments, which may include your credit card or bank account details and your postal and e-mail addresses. Stratus may store your information for payment clearing and transaction fee distribution purposes, and our third party payment processor may store your information for use in future payments made or received through the Sites. We will not share your billing and financial information with any other third party for any reason.

vi. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle/ Drone Data

Our Service automatically collects data gathered by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV or Drone) according to the settings you choose in the Service, including information identifying the vehicle, flight path, flight logs and sensor data, telemetry data, map data, location data, and data regarding the systems of the vehicles. As well as any data you voluntarily upload to the Sites or Service from the UAV/Drone and any hardware attached thereto.

vii. Forums, Blogs, Chat, User Materials

Subject to our Terms of Service, we may permit users of the Sites to share content and opinions (User Material) on discussion forums, blogs, chat rooms and other social media venues hosted by us. Any information that you share in these venues can be read and used by other users for their own benefit or to send you unsolicited messages. We may make these User Materials available for display upon Stratus properties that are not governed by this Policy, as well as to Service operated by third parties that display content from the Site. Please be aware that any Personal Information that you include within any User Materials will be made available to other users of the Service, and to users of third party services, who view it. You include Personal Information in User Materials at your sole risk. We are not responsible for any information that you or others share in these venues, and any opinions that you or other users express in these venues are your or their own and not attributable to us. Please exercise caution when sharing your information and opinions in these venues. Additionally, even after information posted on the Site is removed, caching and archiving Service may have saved that information, and other users or third parties may have copied or stored the information available on the Service. We cannot warrant or guarantee that any Personal Information that you provide on and in connection with the Service will not be accessed, viewed, or used by unauthorized persons.

viii. Correspondence

When you ask for assistance from our Customer Support team, or utilize our Contact Us form on the Site or by mail or fax, we will collect and store the contact information you provide (generally your name and e-mail address), information about your project or activity on the Sites and your account profile information. We will also store any written or oral correspondence, including any information that it contains and any data attached to it, and any notes that we derive from it. We also may collect information regarding your interaction with e-mail messages, such as whether you opened, clicked on, or forwarded a message

ix. SMS and Push Notifications

When you sign up to have SMS notifications from the Sites sent directly to your mobile phone, we will receive and store the information you provide in order to enable these notifications, including your telephone number. You can adjust the types of notifications you receive and when you receive them by editing your SMS notification settings. With your consent, we may send push notifications to your mobile device to provide updates and other relevant messages regarding the Sites. You can manage these notifications from the “options” or “settings” page of your account profile. You may also be able to manage these notifications from your device’s settings.

x. Technical and Usage Information

When you access the Sites, we will collect certain technical information about your mobile device or computer system, including your MAC Address, browser’s Internet Protocol (IP) Address, browser type, and mobile device ID, and usage statistics about your activities on the Sites. This information is typically collected through the use of server log files or web log files (“Log Files”), which are files on our web servers that record actions taken on our software application platforms and websites, mobile device software development kits and tracking technologies like flash and browser cookies, which are used to collect and analyze certain types of technical information. Some of the cookies that the Sites place on your computer are linked to your account profile number. For more information on how we utilize cookies and other tracking technologies, please see Section 2.3 below entitled “Cookies and Automated Information Collection”.

xi. Mobile Device/Geolocation Information

If you access the Sites from your mobile telephone or other mobile device, including iPads and tablets, we collect mobile device identifiers, including the MAC Address, IP Address and mobile device ID. We may create and assign to your device an identifier that is similar to an account number. We may collect the name you have associated with your device, device type, telephone number, country, and any other information you choose to provide, such as user name or e-mail address. We may also collect geo-location information each time you access the Sites from a mobile device unless you have disabled the geo-location feature in the device settings. Geolocation information may include physical location, such as street address, latitude and longitude, and Internet Protocol address, and the time of recording the location or the duration at that location.

4. How we use your Information

Stratus collects, stores, uses, analyzes, reformats, displays and shares your commercial and personal information in order to offer you the various features and functionalities of the Sites. For example, we may use your information to perform actions such as the following:

i. create account profiles;
ii. enable user-to- user communications and contracting;
iii. provide technical support and respond to user inquiries;
iv. analyze and reformat aerial photos;
v. produce and display aerial maps;
vi. analyze platform performance;
vii. perform platform maintenance or upgrades;
viii. develop new platform features;
ix. to prevent fraudulent use of our Service and other systems;
x. to prevent or take action against activities that are, or may be, in violation of our Terms of Service or applicable law;
xi. to maintain a record of our dealings with you;
xii. for other administrative purposes;
xiii. create promotional materials;
xiv. analyze market/industry trends;
xv. personally tailor other content to you;
xvi. deliver E-mail Newsletters;
xvii. notify users of updates;
xviii. inform users about new products or promotional offers; and
xix. enable clearance of payments made and received through the Sites.

5. When we share your Information

Stratus may share your commercial and personal information with third parties in the following instances:

i. Other Users

Other users may see your account profile and search engines may index that information unless you have opted out to prevent the sharing and indexing of this information.

ii. Third Party Service Providers

We may provide your information to third party companies to perform services on our behalf, including payment processing, data analyses, e-mail or postal mail deliveries, hosting services, customer service, and marketing and advertising services. We do not have access to, or control over, the actions of Third-Party Services. Each provider of Third-Party Services uses information that it collects in accordance with its own privacy and security policies. Additionally, please be aware that Google and other third-party vendors may place or recognize one or more unique cookies on your computer when you use the Services, and may record information to these cookies based upon your activities on our Services and on third-party websites and other Third-Party Services. Google and these other third-party vendors may use information about those activities to inform, optimize, and serve advertisements. In particular, we may use Google and other third-party vendors to engage in “remarketing,” in which advertisements you see on third-party websites and services may be based on your prior visits to our Services.

iii. Third Party Advertisers

We may share your account profiles, including your email address, with third party advertisers for their direct marketing purposes. We may also collect and share (i) aggregated information, i.e., collective but not specifically identifiable information about you and other users; (ii) anonymous information; and (iii) certain technical information about you (as described above), with third party advertisers to develop and deliver targeted advertising in the Sites and on the websites of such third parties. We may also allow third party advertisers to collect such information within the Sites, and they may in turn share such information with us. Outside of the regular operations of the Sites, and through your general use of the internet and mobile devices, advertisers may collect certain technical information from and about you through the use of tracking technologies like flash or browser cookies and web beacons. Such information may be used for purposes of behavioral advertising (i.e., targeted ad- selections and delivery that personalizes your advertisement experience) and web analytics (i.e., analyses of your web traffic and other internet activities to improve your advertisement experience).

iv. Links

The Service may contain links to other Web sites, products, or Service that we do not own or operate. For example, the Service may contain links to upload data to another Web site or service for processing on our behalf. The Service also may contain links to Third-Party Services such as social networking services. If you choose to visit or use any Third-Party Sites or products or Service available on or through such Third-Party Sites, please be aware that this Policy will not apply to your activities or any information you disclose while using those Third-Party Sites or any products or Service available on or through such Third-Party Sites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of these Third-Party Sites or any products or Service on or through them. Additionally, please be aware that the Service may contain links to Web sites and Service that we operate but that are governed by different privacy policies. We encourage you to carefully review the privacy policies applicable to any Web site or service you visit other than the Service before providing any Personal Information on them.

v. Legal Compliance, Safety and Security

Your information in, and the content of all of your communications and activities made on or through, the Sites may be accessed and monitored as necessary to provide the services offered through the Sites. Such information and communications may be shared: (a) when we have a good faith belief that we are required to share the information in response to legal process (e.g., a court order, search warrant or subpoena); (b) to satisfy any applicable laws or regulations; (c) where we believe that the Sites are being used in the commission of a crime, without proper legal authority or right, or in violation of personal privacy, including to report such criminal activity, legal violation, or privacy infringement or to exchange information with other companies and organizations for the purposes of fraud protection, credit risk reduction, legal compliance or privacy protection; (d) when we have a good faith belief that there is an emergency that poses a threat to the health and/or safety of you, another person or the general public; and (e) in order to protect the rights, property or safety of Stratus, including to enforce this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Service.

vi. Sale or Merger

Personal Information is a company asset and therefore, if we undergo a business transition, such as a merger, acquisition by another company, or sale of all or a portion of our assets, debt financing, succession in interest, assignment or other similar transaction, or in the event of insolvency, bankruptcy, or receivership, we may transfer all of your information in, and the content of all of your communications and activities made on or through, the Sites to the successor organization in such transition. If material changes to our privacy practices will occur as a result of such business transition, we will notify you and other users of the business transition prior to transferring your information.

6. How to access and update your information

If you receive commercial e-mails from us, you may unsubscribe at any time by following the instructions contained within the e-mail or by sending your request to us by e-mail at support@Stratus.com. Even after you opt-out from receiving commercial messages from us, you will continue to receive administrative messages from us regarding our Service. If you no longer want Stratus to make active use of your commercial and personal information, you may (i) cancel your subscription to the Sites online and/or (ii) send us an e-mail to support@Stratus.com to request that we cancel your subscription and delete your account profile. Please place “Delete My Account” in the subject line of your email and include your first name and last names, e-mail address and account profile number. We will respond to your request subscription cancellation and/or account profile deletion request within 30 days. Please note that all raw and processed data and certain records, for example those pertaining to payments made or received through the Sites and customer service matters, will be retained by us for intellectual property, other legal and accounting purposes. If you have shared content in the Sites, we may not be able to delete that shared content.

7. Your sharing and messaging options

i. Opting out of Promotional Communications

You may choose to opt out of receiving promotional e-mails from Stratus by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link in any such e-mail, or visiting the e-mail preference page in your account profile. Please note that once we receive your request to unsubscribe to our promotional e- mails, it may take an additional period of time for your opt-out selection to become effective.

ii. Opting Out of Other Communications

You may opt out of receiving SMS messages by texting STOP to the number we send from for that particular SMS program. When we receive an opt-out message from you for SMS messages, we may send a message confirming our receipt of your opt-out selection. When you install our software applications on your computer or mobile devices you can choose to receive push notifications. You can turn off such notifications by visiting the “options” or “settings” pages in your account profile or your device’s settings regarding the Sites. Please note that if you opt-out of our promotional or other communication, Stratus may still e-mail or communicate with you from time to time if we need to provide you with information relevant to, or if we need to request information from you with respect to, your activities on or payments made or received through the Sites or for other legitimate non- marketing reasons.

8. Security of your information

Stratus is committed to protecting the privacy of your commercial and personal information, and we have implemented commercially reasonable security measures like the ones described below to provide you with privacy protection. However, no website, internet or mobile transmission is completely secure. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that unauthorized access or processing, hacking, data loss or destruction, or other breaches of the Sites will never occur, and we cannot guarantee the security of your information while it is being transmitted to our software application platforms and websites. As such, any access and use of the Sites and any transmission of your information or data to our software application platforms and websites are at your own risk. We urge you to take steps to keep your information safe (including your account password) and to log out of your account profile after each access and use of the Sites.

i. Account Profiles

For account profiles created in the Sites, your account profile information is protected by the password that you use to access your account. It is important that you protect and maintain the security of your account profile and that you immediately notify us of any unauthorized use of your password or account. If you forget your password, the login page allows you to request that instructions be sent to you that explain how to reset your password.

ii. Financial Information

When you sign into your account profile or enter payment information (such as a credit card or bank account number), we encrypt the transmission of that information using secure socket layer technology.

9. Privacy policies of third parties

Stratus’s software application platforms and websites may contain links to the websites of third parties who perform services on our behalf or advertisements from third parties that may link to their own websites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices, terms of use or service or the content of such websites. If you have any questions about how these other websites use your commercial and personal information, you should review their privacy policies and contact them directly.

10. Minors

Children’s safety is important to us, and we encourage parents and guardians to take an active interest in the online activities of their children. Our Service are not directed to children under the age of 18, and we do not knowingly collect Personal Information from children under the age of 13 without obtaining parental consent. If we learn that we have inadvertently collected personal information from a child under the age of 13 on our Service, we will take reasonable measures to promptly erase such information and delete any related account profiles from our records. If you believe that we may have collected any such personal information on our Service, please notify us at enquiry@stratus.fun.

11. International Visitors

Our servers and data centers are located in the United States. If you choose to use the Service from outside the U.S., then you should know that you are transferring your Personal Information outside of your region and into the U.S. for storage and processing. By providing your Personal Information to us through your use of the Service, you agree to that transfer, storage, and processing in the U.S. Also, we may transfer your data from the U.S. to other countries or regions in connection with storage and processing of data, fulfilling your requests, and operating the Service. You should know that each region can have its own privacy and data security laws, some of which may be less stringent as compared to those of your own region.

12. Contact Us

If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy and/or Stratus’s privacy practices, please send an e-mail with your questions, comments or concerns to enquiry@stratus.fun.

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